At GLOBE TEQ, we like to think about equality as the opening your heart. We see the pride community as global citizens who are here to assist with leading the way into our hearts. By being active and engaged with us, you are sharing your heart-first leadership values that can help make the world a better place for everyone.
We are expanding our list of cinematic solutions to help heart-first storytellers find a way to express what they are here to share.
We offer listings for professional crewmembers and production services to support your creative efforts.
With 8 billion people sharing one planet, diversity is a global opportunity. Plus, it's good for business. Embracing the subtleties of humanity can be celebrated. Learning how can be tricky. Let's lead the way, together.
Jonathan Groff, 2024 Tony Award Winner
Education is one key component to understanding our neighbors and taking steps toward inclusion, diversity, equality. You may already know one of more of the terms that have defined the pride community over the years, but rather than make assumptions, here's a helpful guide. We know this can be new and confusing and we appreciate those who take an interest in learning.
Pride is the acronym for People Respecting Inclusion, Diversity, Equality.
The pride community has grown and evolved, while new opportunities for inclusion continue emerging. This list is not complete and will be updated.
The Evolution of Our Terminology: Gay Men, Lesbians, Gay & Lesbian, LGB, LGBT, GLBT, LGBTQ, GLBTQ, LGBTQiA+, 2SLGBTQiA+
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Plus (+ part of the community but undefined), 2S (Two Spirit), Non-Binary.
As the evolution of consciousness evolves, so do we.
Status is unknown, not yet declared, or undefined.
Everyone is encouraged to define their status, but no one is required to do so. We respect those who are not yet ready to define their status and may still want to work together for the greater good.
This crewmember or business is standing as an ally with the LGBTQ Community.
Taking the extra step to declare yourself as an ally means a lot. We honor and appreciate all who stand with us.
This crewmember is part of the 2SLGBTQiA+ community, or the business is LGBTQ-Owned (51% or more).
We stand together and set the tone for a heartfelt path ahead.
Status: Platinum Member
Keywords: Production Company, Film, Stage
Primary Location: Los Angeles, California
Contact: Chris I. Garlington
Certifications: NGLCC
Memberships: LAGLCC
Status: Friend
Keywords: Catering, Restaurant, Film, Stage
Primary Location: Beverly Hills, California
Contact: Ana M.
Status: Colleague
Keywords: Production Company, Film
Primary Location: Ojai, California
Contact: Mariel Gomsrud
Status: Platinum Member
Experience: Mentor
Keywords: Photographer, Cinematographer, Writer, Director, Producer
Primary Location: Los Angeles, California
Union Affiliation: In Progress
Status: Friend
Experience: Mentor
Keywords: Director, Producer
Primary Location: Ojai, California
Union Affiliation: Active
Awards: Yes
Status: Colleague
Experience: Mentee
Keywords: Writer, Director, Producer, Gaffer
Primary Location: Ohio
Website: coming soon
Union Affiliation: In Progress
Awards: Yes
Gay, Lesbian, Openhearted, Bisexual, Engaging, Transgender, Empowering, Queer
Use the info above to guide you when submitting your listing.
The cost per listing will vary based on the listing type, estimated to be as low as $5 per listing annually, however all fees are currently waived (for a limited time), and you can join for free! No payment information will be collected. An email will be sent (likely in February 2025) giving all participants the option to verify, update, and upgrade their listing for the year ahead.
If you wish to support our efforts, please click here to make a generous contribution via PayPal. Thank you.
Disclosure Notice: Indigo Skylab is a for-profit company.
This "GLOBETEQ" page is currently an early-stage idea while our own dedicated website is being developed.
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